
The ‘Koshi’ chime is an authentic musical instrument, a beautiful windchime and so much more. Koshis are used for sound healing, meditation, yoga, reiki, smudiging rituals or just for relaxation.

We explain what makes these chimes so special, the different colors,  elements, melodies and how to use them. 

Your are looking for a chime that fits your zodiac sign ? You look for a sound sample of the Koshis or you need the measurements? 

We help you out.

Koshi chime

Can Koshi Chimes be used outside?

Koshi chime

What is a Koshi?

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The Koshi chime is an authentic musical instrument, an original creation of high quality.

Koshi colors

How do I find out which Koshi I have?

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You already have a Koshi chime and do not know which one?

We can help.

Koshi and Zaphir compared

Koshi chimes compared to the Zaphir chimes

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Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a Koshi chime and a Zaphir chime?

We help you out and explain the differences.

Prayer Flags India

Have you ever wondered why the Koshi Chimes are so special?

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The Koshi wind chimes are tuned to perfection and enhance the sounds of nature. The chimes help creating a flow of positive energy. Wind chimes that are not in tune can create the opposite energy flow.