
The ‘Koshi’ chime is an authentic musical instrument, a beautiful windchime and so much more. Koshis are used for sound healing, meditation, yoga, reiki, smudiging rituals or just for relaxation.

We explain what makes these chimes so special, the different colors,  elements, melodies and how to use them. 

Your are looking for a chime that fits your zodiac sign ? You look for a sound sample of the Koshis or you need the measurements? 

We help you out.

Koshi Ignis vs Zaphir Crystalide

Koshi Ignis vs Zaphir Crystalide

203 view(s)

We compare the Koshi chime and Zaphir chime tunings one to one.
Gaiachimes gives you a quick overview which chimes are similar.

Koshi sound sample comparison

A Comparative Guide to Koshi Chimes with Exclusive Sound Samples

600 view(s)

In this blog article, we will provide a comparative analysis of the unique sounds and qualities of each Koshi chime, highlighting their individual characteristics and symbolic associations with the elements. We will explore how the chimes interact with each other and how they can be combined to create harmonious melodies that resonate with the energies of all four elements. 

Koshi Terra with Koshi Ignis together together sound sample

Koshi Terra with Koshi Ignis together - Earth and Fire Sound Sample

208 view(s)

Listen to the sound of Vitality, Inspiration & Passion.  The Koshi Ignis and Koshi Terra together are creating a stunning potpurri of tunings with a deeper base melody. Explore the sound, we created an exclusive sound sample for you and explain why these both elements are special together.

Koshi Ignis with Koshi Aria together Sound Sample

Koshi Ignis with Koshi Aria together - Fire and Air Sound Sample

178 view(s)

Koshi Ignis with Koshi Aria  together -  Fire and Air - Cleansing, Clarity & Transformation. Listen to our exclusive sound samples and delve into the sound of this wonderful combination of Koshi chimes.

Koshi Aria with Koshi Earth together sound sample

Koshi Aria with Koshi Terra together - Air and Earth Sound Sample

143 view(s)

Koshi Aria with Koshi Terra  together -  Air and Earth - Connection, Balance & Growth. Listen to our exclusive sound samples and delve into the sound of the Koshis chimes. You can hear the Koshi Aria and Koshi Terra playing together. We call this our Yoga/Sound Healer Set. You should not miss it.