Zaphir Blue Moon Winter is coming

Zaphir Blue Moon
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Zaphir Blue Moon Winter is coming

The winter solstice lies ahead of us. Nature is going into sleep mode and most animals and plants have their hibernation period.

We experience the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year.
You can see the most stars, as they shine brightest this time of the year.

Crystal nights, frosts, cold air and snow enchant most of the globe and people are celebrating their holidays.

Plants and trees are preparing for the next season - now it is time to relax and replenish.

The Zaphir Blue Moon couldn't be more fitting with it's soothing sounds.

It comes in the tuning D F A B C E A# C and has the deepest tuning of the Zaphir chimes.

It is the ideal choice for deep relaxation, meditation and for grounding.

Blue Moon - Winter Season

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