Koshi Aqua with Koshi Terra together - Water and Earth - Nurturing, Growth & Stability. Enjoy our exclusive sound samples and delve into the sound of the Koshis chimes. You can hear the Koshi Aqua and Koshi Terra playing together.
Posts tagged 'sounds'
Koshi Aqua with Koshi Terra together - Water and Earth Sound Sample
Koshi Aqua with Koshi Ignis together - Water and Fire Sound Sample
Koshi Aqua with Koshi Ignis together - Water and Fire -Transformation, Fusion & Passion. Enjoy our exclusive sound samples and delve into the sound of the Koshis chimes. Listen to the sound of transformation and Passion.
Koshi Aqua with Koshi Aria together - Water and Air Sound Sample
Koshi Aqua with Koshi Aria together - Water and Air - Tranquility, Clarity, and Interconnectedness. Enjoy our exclusive sound samples and delve into the sound of the Koshis chimes.
Sound Healing Instrument
Discover the unique tones of Koshi Ignis and Zaphir Crystalide chimes, and explore their healing potential as soothing sound instruments. We give you an overview of all tunings.
Musical Zaphir Chime Instrument
Discover the enchanting and ethereal world of Zaphir chimes. Harmonize these mesmerizing musical instruments with others to create a tranquil ambiance for relaxation and meditation. Explore the perfect combination for a serene and creative musical experience.