The native american astrology with its animal symbols/zodiac signs is similar to Western astrology as it is based on the birthday. Unlike Chinese astrology, the birth year does not play a role here but the hemisphere.
Plants, animals, season and especially winds matter here.
The indigenous/native american medicine wheel (stone circle) represents the energies of life. It depicts elements, directions, and seasons. All people, beings, and things are connected.
The 12 zodiac signs are derived from this medicine wheel.
For simplified overview, we provide a direct comparison with the western zodiac sign for the northern hemisphere:
Capricorn (22nd December - 19th January) - Goose
Aquarius (20th January - 19th February) - Otter
Pisces (20th February - 20th March) - Wolf
Aries (21st March - 20th April) - Falcon
Taurus (21th April - 20th May) - Beaver
Gemini (21st May - 20th June) - Deer
Cancer (21st June - 22st July) - Woodpecker
Leo (23nd July - 22st August) - Salmon
Virgo (23nd August - 22st September) - Bear
Libra (23nd September - 22nd October) - Raven
Scorpio (23rd October - 22nd November) - Snake
Sagittarius (22rd November - 21st December) - Owl
Which Koshi chime suits my zodiac sign?
Koshi Terra - Earth - Beaver, Brown Bear, Goose
Koshi Ignis - Fire - Falcon, Salmon, Owl
Koshi Aria - Air - Deer, Raven, Otter
Koshi Aqua - Water - Woodpecker, Snake, Wolf
Which Zaphir chime suits my zodiac sign?
Here we sort by the winds:
Spring / East Wind - Falcon, Beaver, Deer - Zaphir Crystalide
Summer / South Wind - Woodpecker, Salmon, Bear - Zaphir Sunray
Autumn / West Wind - Raven, Snake, Owl - Zaphir Twilight
Winter / North Wind - Goose, Otter, Wolf - Zaphir Blue Moon
Salmon, Brown Bear, and Raven can also be associated with Zaphir Sufi, representing the late-summer season, the intermediary season.